Wednesday, June 30th, 2010

Implementing ARIS, some tips and tricks.

It is just important to install ARIS in the right way for the first time on the server of the client to prevent complicated changes in the set up and models which takes a lot of time. The architect must communicate with the client for the right purpose of this tool about the possible standards, conventions and set up of the models. 

Business process modeling differs from industry process modeling when we look to the use of models, objects and standards. When the user has no experience with process modeling, the architect could advise him. The use of a modeling standard like using BPMN2 or EPC is also important for choosing the right models, objects and attributes. When the user wants to model complex flow structures, he can choose BPMN2 instead of EPC. But when he wants to describe a (high level) business process with a lot of linking elements like organizations, data, functions and products, he should better choose EPC for the models and objects. 

ARIS has a lot of model types which could be used for the process modeling. For each model, the architect can choose the necessary objects. When an object is missing, the architect can create a new one or change a standard object as basis and rename this object to a new one. Using a standard object for creating a new one is simple because the architect can change the current set up of this object like the color or the form. When he creates a complete new object, the architect could use the set up of a corresponding object. In both situations the architect gives the object a new object type and object name. This new object can be used after the installation of ARIS is the models. For every model and object is it necessary to choose the attribute which should be filled during modeling. In the semantic check could be set how many attributes at least must be filled. 

Standards in ARIS repository.

Fig. 1. Standards in ARIS repository.

After choosing the right modeling standard, the necessary models, objects and attributes, the conventions of the company must be set. I refer to the conventions about letter type, letter size, language, filters and so one. This is important for the creation of models, reports and other documents during the use of ARIS.
Another point is the use of conventions according to the naming of models and objects. This is really important when a group of process consultants make the models separately from each other. All the names must have the same syntax. Beside this the placing of the objects must be done in the same way in all the models. By example, the organizational type is always placed left of the function and the application is always placed  on the right of the function. It is easier to read for the customer when all the models and objects have the same look and feel. 

Changing the standards and conventions after implementing and using ARIS is possible but it takes a lot of time and effort even when it is done by an business architect. For the quality check of the created models, I advice always to have an BMP department within the big companies and a quality manager (mostly the business architect) in a little one. 

The environments of the different models is also a point of discussion.
The best is to use the DTAP situation:  

  • Development, for development and maintenance of the models.
  • Testing, for reviewing the models with the stakeholder.
  • Acceptance, for reviewing by the BPM department or quality manager.
  • Publication, for publishing the models on the intranet of the company.

When a new project is started, the architect will created the project and corresponding autorization in all four environments. Each project  must have the same set up of libraries or directories. It is recommended to have one directory for the basic models like organization, applications, information carriers and other static models. Beside this, create also directories for dynamic models (VACD, EPC, BPMN, and so on) corresponding the workflow on high-level or corresponding the departments.
Before an process consultant can start modeling in ARIS, the architect or BPM department must authorize this employee for using the right (part of the) environment. It is recommend to create first a few user groups for working with the corresponding environments. The user is than a member of one or more User groups. The user groups could be:  

  • Developer;
  • Architect;
  • Quality Manager;
  • Guest;
  • Different persons;
  • Different departments.

Users or User groups can have a limited use of a whole environment or a directory in an environment. For example, the basic models can be read by modelers, but will be updated by Architects. Therefore is it important to make a separated directory for the basic models. Guest users will only read the Publication directory when there is no ARIS Business Publisher installed. Sometimes the authorization will be made for just one person. For the maintenance of the authorization is this not a preferable situation.
Users can always see the name of the other directories where he/she has no rights to, but not the content of those directories. 

Think before you begin, when to install ARIS. When the standards and conventions are discussed with the customer, a quick and simple installation of ARIS is possible. When the implementation is well done, the use of ARIS should be no problem for the designers and architect. So, inform the designers and architects before they starts. Inform also the stakeholders so they knows what they can expect.
The maintenance of the models and objects in the different projects and environments is simple when everybody knows the way he must work. There were several methods for this maintenance. More about this topic in a next publication.

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