June 2nd, 2009

Peopletools 8.50: The Wow-effect

It has been a while since I had the “WOW-effect” about a new application.
Click for a demo/preview
Most internet applications have been set-up with technologies that we find normal nowadays. Technologies like partial page refresh (AJAX), drag and drop layout, WEB 2.0 like wiki, communities etc.

But these rules do not seem not to apply to ERP systems. They are still robust, pretty user-unfriendly en most of all not appealing.

Well, Oracle seems to have done it.

Oracle introduced a new layout with Peoplesoft 9.1 in combination with Peopletools 8.50, with building blocks of today’s technologies.

May 27th, 2009

Integration Peoplesoft HCM – Tasper

Tasper is a Dutch application in which employee’s can choose their own package of secondary conditions of labour. For clients it can be interesting to bye a package like this from the shelf rather than making it all yourself as ESS. These clients would need to integrate Tasper with their own HCM module, by means of synchronization. We have chosen to synchronize Peoplesoft HCM with Tasper by means of synchronous XML messaging.

The Choice for Messaging.

An alternative to messaging would be using a databaselink. Using the databaselink it would be possible to use the databaselink in combination with Oracle triggers. If I would commit a change in Tasper it would immediately would be inserted in the relevant record in PeopleSoft. This choice would bring along with it the risk that errors in one system would affect the other system. Instead it would also be possible to synchronize only during a batch update. Then the synchronization would have a delay of up to 1 day. Besides in the near further there will probably be a tendency to connect all relevant applications to each other by means of a BUS and/or BPEL, which would work by means of messaging as well. These are all reasons to choose for messaging as a means of synchronization.

May 1st, 2009

Older PeopleSoft and Web 2.0 Step 2

In this blog we’ll continue where we left some time ago. The aim is to create a page containing the blocks which can be ordered by the user. First we create a new page containing some groupboxes with content. Every groupbox must be placed in a container, for we will switch groupboxes within these containers. To create a container, draw a frame around each individual groupbox and disable the frame border. To be able to address the groupboxes later, add a custom style class (added to the stylesheet), lets say ‘DRAGGABLE’ to each groupbox. Put a static html object at the bottom of your page in which we’ll put our javascript. So far for the server side.

April 20th, 2009

Oracle buys Sun Microsystems

What IBM couldn’t (or wouldn’t) do, Oracle just did (or wanted more): buying the billions of dollars worth Sun Microsystems during the current crisis: for…7.4 billion dollars!

Although both companies have a lot of overhead in software and hardware, especially Java and Solaris will be very important for Oracle: the Fusion Middleware is heavily leaning on Java and Solaris is the most important platform for the Oracle database.

Some interesting developments will be on the hardware front: Oracle started working with Dell and HP on the hardware/server market. Sun has a big stake in this market already.

And what will Oracle do (or won’t do) with MySQL, the incredible popular OpenSource database, which powers this and millions of other websites?

April 9th, 2009

Pointers for developing selfservice in PeopleSoft

More and more companies use selfservice funcionality. PeopleSoft deliveres some out-of-the-box selfservice functionality, but what if you want to develope some yourself?

Here are some pointers to get you on the right track: