Wednesday, September 1st, 2010

Maintenance of objects in ARIS 7.1

During the use of ARIS, the designers and architects has sometimes unexpected problems using the objects and models. When they make models, a lot of different objects were used. Not only objects in their own domain, but also objects defined by other modelers and somewhere stored in the repository on the server. Even new objects were made beside the same objects, so the same object could stand more than once in the repository. Using these objects create sometimes smaller of bigger problems. In this article the most asked questions about the use of objects will be answered, like disappeared objects, disappeared text in objects, the use of objects in the repository and the consolidation of the objects.

The objects are “not visible”.
A wrong content of the parameters during the login could cause the disappearance of the objects in the models. The objects were shown with a white color and dashed lines and no names on it. The placing of the objects is correct. This is caused by a wrong name for the filter during the login procedure.    

To check and change the parameter “Filter”, follow the next steps:
1. <Right click> on the name of the current database.
2. Press <Log out>.
3. Press <Log in>.
4. Follow the normal login procedure; check the content of the parameter “Filter”.
    This field must contain the normally used filter name like “Entire method”.
5. When the content of the filter is different, change the name to the right one.
6. When the content of the filter is correct, call your system user / business architect to solve this problem.    

The name in an object is disappeared.
The objects in the model are normally shown.The placing and color of the objects are correct, but the name of the objects is disappeared. This is caused by the chosen language during the login.
When the modeler stores the models and objects, they were placed in the repository with the current (wrong) language. After opening the database with the standard language, the names were disappeared. The names were not converted from the wrong language to the right one. When the modeler used the same (wrong) language as the previous time, he/she can see the objects with the correct names in the models and in the column Navigation with the option Objects active.    

The solution contains two steps.
First, make a hardcopy of the model with the missing object names using the wrong language:
1. <Right click> on the name of the current database.
2. Press <Log out>.
3. Press <Log in>.
4. Follow the normal login procedure; check the content of the parameter “Language”.
    This field must contain the wrong (previous used) language.
5. Select the model with the wrong named object and make a hardcopy.   

Second, update the content of the language to the standard language and rename the objects:
6. <Right click> on the name of the current database.
7. Press <Log out>.
8. Press <Log in>.
9. Follow the normal login procedure; check the content of the parameter “Language”.
    This field must contain the standard (normally used) language.
10. Select the model with the wrong named objects and rename manually each wrong object with the same name and store them with the standard language.   

The modeler can delete all the wrong named objects after correcting the models. Use again temporarily the wrong language and check if the objects with the wrong names were visible in the navigation column. If so, delete them to clean up the database. Close the database, login as normal and the problem is solved.    

Check where an object is used
When the modeler deletes directly the object in the explorer list, all the linked models will be updated. The modeler must than guess in which model the object was deleted to check the model(s) and update them when necessary. When the modeler renames the object in the explorer list all the occurrences of the object will be updated. This could be wrong when the object is copied as an occurrence copy is stead of a definition copy. Too much occurrences of the same object will be changed. Beside this, the modeler can check for the use of an object in all different models with a simple solution. This is handy when he wants to rename or delete the object and he doesn’t know the occurrences of the object.    

To find the occurrences of an object follow the next steps:
1. Select the object with a right click (this could be done in the model or on the explorer list.)
2. Press <Properties>
3. Press <Occurrences>
4. The window on the right contains all the models where the object is used.    

The modeler can rename the object when he is sure all the occurrences has to change to the new name. When a part of all the occurrences must be changed, first a definition copy of the object will be made with a different name. The modeler can replace the objects one by one with the new object.    

When the modeler wants to delete the object in one or all models, follow the next steps:
1. Double click on the model which contains the object.
2. The model comes up with a highlighted object.
3. Delete only this object in the model.
4. Eventually, replace the object with another one.
5. Save the model.
Repeat this for all the models which stand in the window of step 4 above in the first part of the solution. Even an object occurs several times in the same model.    

Consolidation of objects
In the database a lot of mess could be found as result of mistypes and double definition copies of the same objects. When the architect wants to clean up the database he/she can use the consolidation function.    

Consolidation of all objects in the database
The consolidation of all objects in the database will be done in two rounds    

First of all, the objects which were wrong placed and normally contains in the shared models like organization entities, application, information carriers and so on will be consolidated.
1. Select the Maingroup in the current database.
2. Right click on < Maingroup>
3. Press <Find>
4. Search for objects with identical names.
All the objects with the same name and type which exists more than ones in the repository will be shown in the result.     

Results for consolidation

Results for consolidation

5. Sort the result for “Type”.
6. Right click on the object.
7. Press <Consolidate>
8. Follow the Consolidation Wizard.    

In the second round all the other objects (events, functions and so on) could be consolidated.
9. Do a new search as describe in the steps 1 to 4 above.
10. Sort the result on “Number”.
11. Analyze the objects (event, function, etc.) with a high number.
12. When necessary or possible consolidate all the occurrences to one (master) object.    

Make regularly a check for consolidation to keep the database small as possible en consistent.    

Consolidation Wizard
Follow the Consolidation Wizard after an object is selected:
1. Use <Add> to find the objects with mostly the same name and put them in the list for consolidation.
    Press <Next> 
2. Select the object that becomes the master.
    Press <Use as the master>
    Press <Next> 
3. Specify the options as shown in the figure below
    Press <Finish>    

Consolidation Wizard - Options

Consolidation Wizard - Options

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